This module allows you to interact with the plugin Floodgate , and also create interactive forms

A plugin is required for the module to work Floodgate

Check that the player has logged in with Bedrock Edition

%player% [(is|does)](n't| not) from floodgate

Get the localization of the player

[the] be[[drock] [edition]] (locale|language) of [the] [floodgate] %player%           
%player%'s be[[drock] [edition]] (locale|language) [of [the] floodgate]

Get the name of the player’s device

[the] [be[[drock] [edition]]] (platform|device) of [the] [floodgate] %player%
%player%'s [be[[drock] [edition]]] (platform|device) [of [the] floodgate]

Get the Bedrock version of the client

[the] be[[drock] [edition]] version of [the] [floodgate] %player%
%player%'s be[[drock] [edition]] version [of [the] floodgate]