Load the world

Loads the world by its name. The world must be located in the root directory of the server.

load world %string%

Unload the world

Unload the world. It also allows you not to save changes when uploading.

unload [world] %world% [without save]

Load a chunk

It also allows you not to generate a world in a chunk if this chunk has not been generated.

load %chunk% [without gen[erate]]

Upload a chunk

Unload the chunk. It also allows you not to save changes when uploading.

unload [chunk] %chunk% [without save]

Create a world

It also allows you to create a flat world.

create world %string% [[with type] [super]flat]

Delete the world

delete world %world/string%

Create a copy of the world

(copy|duplicate) world %string% [(with|using)] name[d] %string%